Mold & Odor Remediation for Hotels & Casinos

hotel odor remediationTrue relaxation can only happen in a sanitized mold- and odor-free space. No matter how well equipped, a room with lasting odors from previous patrons won’t give your next guests their most pleasant visit.

Our vapor system removes all odors, allergens, viruses, and bacteria from hotel rooms, kitchens, meeting and conference rooms, and practically any enclosed space.

We guarantee our services 100% or you don’t pay. This is a highly advanced system that accomplishes all this without leaving any harmful chemical residues.  

We also have advanced retail products for laundering sheets and towels, carpet cleaning and sanitization of kitchens, bathrooms and any space that needs odor or sanitization attention.  

Our products have been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).  

Our system is an easy fix for even the most pungent odors.

  • Smoke (All forms of cigarette, cigars and vaping)
  • Must and mildew in carpets and bathrooms
  • Pet and human urine and feces
  • Pet odors
  • Marijuana and other narcotic odors
  • Oil, diesel, gasoline and other petroleum odors
  • New paint and carpet odor